Basic knowledge of CYBER THREATS

Cyber security:

Computer security, cybersecurity or information technology security is the protection of computer systems and networks from the theft of or damage to their hardware, software, or electronic data, as well as from the disruption or misdirection of the services they provide.


A cyber or cybersecurity threat is a malicious act that seeks to damage data, steal data, or disrupt digital life in general. Cyber attacks include threats like computer viruses, data breaches, and Denial of Service (DoS) attacks.

Some of the cyber threats are......

Software that performs a malicious task on a target device or network, e.g. corrupting data or taking over a system.

2.Cyberwar or cyber warfare:
It is a type of cold war in which there is cyber attack by one country to another country.
One such the cyber war took place, when it was found that Iran was making a neuclear Bomb to attack on America. This response America launch a cyber neuclear names "STUXNET" On Iraniel power grade.
It completely destryoed Iraniel power grade also affected more than 50% computer of the world.

VIRUS stands for Vital informations Recourse Under Siege.
Virus can spread through contact only and if there is no contact then the virus does not affect. Virus can appeared through malicious websites or malicious e-mails. Virus can affect the particular program first usage its computing power then starts multiplying itself.
When it reaches its peak point then most of the computing power utilized by virus only.

Security from virus is ANTIVIRUS, Antivirus works by identification of digital signature of virus. Since each virus type has a unique digital signature.

4. Worms:
Worms also known as cyber nuclear bomb.
Worms do not need contact to spread, it can appear in the system without any contact starts multiplying itself using the computing power to affect the entire system.
Worms generally appeared through cache memory in the form of cache files.
Therefore th best security from worm is to regularly delete the cache files.

Trojans appear as an attractive program that becomes dangerous after downloading it.
It can appear in the form of link of heavy duscounted product or lottery or attractive images, after clicking on it it can download the spyware or spread virus on th system.
One such Trojan is affected India in 2016 named "Beebon virus". It appear as an link to promise removal virus from the system.

Spyware appears automatically without inforamtion and starts copying the sensitive file and data to send it to another third party, it is nearly impossible to find out about the third party to which it sends the data.

It appears as a pop-up window and can't be removed easily only way to remove  it is by forced shutdown of computer, but due to this the current running program also removed.

A Ransomware encripts the sensitive files of computer demand to decrypt it.
Generally Ransomware is demanded in the form of Bitcoin, because of this  identity of users should remain hidden.
The Data is destroyed itself automatically by Ransom , if the demand is not completed on time.
In 2018 India and the world was affected by three Ransomware that was...
Wanna Cry

A Cyberscam is illegal financial transaction by gaining sensitive information such as Bank account Number, Passward etc through mails.

10. Phising:
It appears in the form of email or messages that may be a claim of a fake lottery, fake heavy discounted product, a fake job offer, etc. It tries to gain sensitive data to transact money. It can also gain sensitive data to get crusial information.

It also works like phising that is tries to gain sensitive data but appears in the form of telephonic conversation.

Botnet are made up of two word that are ROBOT $ NETWORK. Botnets can perform multiple functions such as making illegal financial transactions, making DDOS Attack , copying sensitive data to send it to another party.
DDOS: Distributed Denial of Services.
In DDOS attack all the devices affected by Botnet (ping) at a particular website so that the server deniel the services.
One such DDOS Attack took place in 2016 at Maharashtra its name was "MIRAI"
Another such DDOS attack took place in India 2018, its name was "SAPOSHI".

Here RAT stands for Remote access Trojan.
It is a trojan program that appeared as a friendly program but it ended up downloading spyware, It was launched by Pakistan on Indian cyber environment to track sensitive data later on it was detected by CERTIN and then removed it.
